Daventry Vets is a Cat Friendly Clinic

Our team understand that many cats do not enjoy visiting us here at the clinic – as much as we look forward to seeing them!




That’s why we have put measures in place to help provide our feline patients with a calm, cat-friendly environment, hopefully making their trip to Daventry Vets a lot less stressful.

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Award-winning cat care

Daventry Vets is proud to announce that, due to the measures we have put in place at the clinic, we have been awarded the ISFM (International Society of Feline Medicine) Silver Accreditation for feline care.

What does the ISFM Silver Accreditation mean for my cat?

To become a Cat Friendly Clinic, Daventry Vets has had to work hard to meet criteria set by the ISFM. This includes:

  • changing the way that cats wait in the waiting room
  • how our consult rooms and consultations work
  • staffing on cat appointments
  • hospitalisation facilities
  • how our recovery wards are run
  • how cats are separated
  • how our operating theatres and equipment should be designed for feline use
  • how clinical records are stored
  • …and much more

Advice for cat owners

Daventry Vets is passionate about providing pet owners with informative articles that can help with daily pet care. When it comes to cats, we have lots of useful advice that can help you to keep them healthy at home. Sign up for our free email newsletter and check out our news articles.

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